Animal Portrait #12 – OLIVE


As “aerial insectivores” go, Olive here is one of the goodies. The Olive-sided flycatcher is a  plucky little bird that perches in snags and swoops into forest openings to catch insects on the wing (that’s mid-air for us non-biologists). Her fate is closely tied to our friend Jim’s however, a species at risk, which might explain why the two of them and their buddy Anne can often be heard in Banff National Park  partying it up on Saturday nights singing “Quick Three Beers”. Swoop on Olive, swoop on.

Animal Portrait #11 – DENNIS


Ahhhhhh Dennis. With those large soulful eyes, the full pouty lips and your magnificent dewlap you just had to be captured in a portrait painting. Now get back out there and eat up that 60 pounds of plants a day you need to keep feeling and looking your best.

Animal Portrait #10 – SALLY


Bears have a reputation for being fearsome brutes who will attack without provocation and eat everything in your cooler. While Sally says the latter part of that is true (though she can’t speak for Grizzly Bears whose temper she just can’t relate to), her preference should you meet on a trail, would be to roll over for a belly rub rather than having to maul you into a blubbery mess. Why thank you Sally.

Upside down pizza – try it!

upside down pizza

Our taste buds are on our tongue right? So this actually makes sense… in a 10 year old do things different kind of way. Sometimes the most obvious things are the hardest to see and that’s one of the beauties of having kids – they observe and appreciate things in a way we adults just seem to miss.

Animal Portrait #9 – SHERMAN


Despite what you might have heard about mountain goats and sure footing, Sherman here maintains he’s one of the clumsiest ungulates you’re ever likely to come across in the great Canadian Rockies. I suspect that explains the bent horn…

Animal Portrait #8 – JIM


I know what you’re thinking. A snail? Well, Jim may look small but as a permanent resident of Banff National Park, he is found nowhere else on the entire planet! That makes ‘ole Jim a real BIG deal.

In fact, Jim made the national and international headlines just last year for hosting a party in his native hot springs. Check out the stories here. Keep on givin’er Jim!


Like Sixty-four. Youngest.

nice haircut

It was true. I had a bad Captain America style going on. I hate it when they don’t rinse your hair out after the cut and then style it in a way that can only be done by another person, standing behind you.

Animal Portrait #7 – ANNE and DON

Anne and Don

Anne and Don were damn near impossible to keep still all head bobbing and strut-strutting about like grouse are want to do, but in the end it was all good.

Animal Portrait #6 – BILL


Bill isn’t the braggadocious type but I think that little hint of a smile proves that he knows his horns are impressive.