The definition of insanity…


She raises a good point… Are all parents therefore insane?

Happy Father’s Day

dadsday2108We have a responsibility each and every day to be the best father and partner we can be in raising our kids. Loving our kids is part and parcel with loving and respecting their moms.  Showing up, being present and modelling the kind of behaviour we would like our kids to emulate comes with the job but don’t forget to enjoy the process. Life moves quickly – take a moment this Father’s Day to appreciate all that you have in being a dad and spend some time with the people that make up your family. They, and you, are worth the effort.

Happy Father’s Day.

Love and anger


And a big thank you to my beautiful wife for her wisdom and steady hand…

One day, at the vet…


I thought pets were supposed to help chill you out…

The hardships of lunch…

making lunch

Not the answer I was expecting but in hindsight should have…