Surprises in the most surprising places…


A bag of Ruffles all dressed potato chips, opened mind you, underneath a slew of shirts in my son’s dresser drawer. Not what I expected to see when I was looking for a t-shirt.

One parent behaviour

one parent

And a shout out to all the single parents out there – we all know this ain’t an easy gig.

Ahhhhh laundry….


The signs are all there for when it’s time to outsource a role.

A bed of quicksand


Do you ever have those mornings, when your alarm goes off and you have the best of intentions to hit the gym or catch-up on emails before the steady thrum of activity that consumes you’re every being when the kids wake-up begins and-you-just-can’t-pull-yourself-out-of-the-comfy-confines-of-your-soft-warm-bed…

Yeah, I know the feeling.