School dance epilogue

It’s a rite of passage. Your first school dance. Do you remember yours? I do. Boys packed tight onto one side of our gym, girls on the other with a huge empty chasm in-between. Our math/gym teacher was spinning the records up on stage. It ran from 4:30-7:00 pm. I wasn’t at my daughters first dance but I got the next best thing – the chauffeur gig picking up her and three friends post dance to drive them home. Their dance was from 7:00-9:30pm so it was a late night, a school night no less. The chatter on the way home? Pure gold.

after dance

“Fashionably” Late

fashionably late

So this conversation literally happened almost word for word a few moments ago. I couldn’t resist running to my sketch pad and recording it. Who’d a thunk a 12 year old girl would take fashion advice from her 10 year old brother? Who’d a thunk he’d be so on point? These are the moments that need to be remembered.

Groovin’ Out

Dancing is the new loose…

The family that dances together…

… stays together.