Selling my daughter’s childhood

childhood memories

It didn’t seem the right time to have a discussion about a house being a structure that becomes the home where memories are made and held onto, so I just let it go and carried the burden of knowing I’d sold out her childhood to myself…

Corner houses are killers…


friggin sidewalk

One month settled in and some thoughts to go with it….

The transition from city life to mountain life has at times been a little… rocky. We’re getting there though and it certainly provides good fodder for storytelling. The following sketches chronicle a few of the experiences we’ve been having. Enjoy.



why so good

quiet moment

holy crap



massive crows

(I’ve since realized these are probably ravens but they’re still friggin’ massive…)

altitude run

coyote spot

(The coyotes here are extremely healthy, due in large part to the fact that they have an abundance of bunny rabbits on which to dine.)

ski pole stab

(I saw my actions and comments as supportive and encouraging in an effort to get him through a tough run. He evidently saw it differently.)


(On another run when I rounded the corner and came across these three beauties. The literature advises you to stop, hold your position or to back away. I let them cross and then continued on. Apparently they’re docile now. Spring and fall they turn into right buggers.)

I guess I get how sometimes it feels this way….



The long walk home

Two kids with two very different reactions to a haircut.