One day on the flight home…


A parent’s day is always full of surprises…

Happy Monday! (Screw you Wednesday).


On the drive to early morning basketball practice we reflected on the days of the week and the unfair treatment Monday seems to get.

The vitriol for Wednesday was unexpected.

Kid Humour… You wouldn’t get it.


I’m not going to argue with that…

Old fashioned English


Couldn’t help it. Left my wife all alone while I burst out laughing…

A future archivist he is not…

hard work.jpg


Huge undies and teeny tiny butts

undie folding

Ok, let’s start off by making a few things perfectly clear: In our current set-up, I do pretty much all the laundry, including folding and putting away for my wife and I. The kids get folded laundry on their beds and are responsible for disrupting the carefully folded garments and jamming them into their drawers. Sometimes I have all the clean clothes dumped on our bed mid-fold when I get distracted and leave things in a semi-finished state. Such was the case yesterday when the kids came into our bedroom and for some reason decided to start folding things. Ben hit my underwear and after two tries declared it impossible. He then proceeded to perfectly fold my wife’s underwear. I’ve always found women’s underwear damn near impossible to fold. Fronts look like backs, strings are tiny, they look the same upside down or right side up. It’s always been a puzzle so I typically fold things into a tragically unappealing ball and call it quits. My 10 year old son revealed the simplicity for me in 4 easy steps – see below:

undie fold

Ok, lesson learned. Watch out Marie Kondo, you’ve got some competition. Thongs though are still a mess of spaghetti…

“Fashionably” Late

fashionably late

So this conversation literally happened almost word for word a few moments ago. I couldn’t resist running to my sketch pad and recording it. Who’d a thunk a 12 year old girl would take fashion advice from her 10 year old brother? Who’d a thunk he’d be so on point? These are the moments that need to be remembered.

My back-up



Back to School Thoughts – Part 3

lot of suing

School supplies ain’t what they used to be. Better stick with it though in order to get that law degree…

Happy Father’s day! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!

Congrats to our contest winner Kristina, her husband Matt and their daughter Charlie! For  all the love they’ve been showing The Art of Dad comes a customized illustration about one of their family stories (and it’s a beauty – see below). Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

hooker dress